Thursday, February 18, 2010

Kearley helps launch InTouch Credit Union

After working with Kearley and Company, Inc. on their name change/re-brand initiative for several months, EDS Credit Union became InTouch Credit Union on Tuesday, February 16, 2010.

The name InTouch was meant to align with the credit union’s approach to its members, while keeping the ‘I.T.’ of EDS Credit Union’s roots in information technology.

In addition to a new name, Kearley developed a new logo, support collateral, and in-office retail merchandising for InTouch.

Click here to view the press release.

The logo, shown above was created by Daniel Büenger, senior designer at Kearley.

“I wanted to keep with EDS Credit Union’s existing brand, while also incorporating more active, engaging elements,” he said

What do you think? Please take a moment to answer our poll on the right, and let us know what you think about the new logo.

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